Thank you to our generous donors. Without your support, we would not have been able to purchase these items. The list of needed items was identified by the URVH staff.

Anesthesia Vascular Probe

Cost: $9,278

Use: Used for existing Sonosite, this is used for non-invasive tests to evaluate blood flow in the arteries and veins in the arms, neck and legs.

Avalon Fetal Monitor

Cost: $32,870

Use: Including a stand and monitoring kits, this monitor allows the fetus to be continuously monitored as the mother moves around.

Labour & Birth Panda Ires Warmer

Cost: $29,647

Cost: $7,575

Use: Used for checking a mother’s uterine position, to remove C-Section staples and to assist Lactation Consultant for breast-feeding assessments.

Breast Feeding Recliner

Cost: $15,995 each

Use: Shared by departments, this provides a non-invasive measurement of urinary bladder volume.

Recovery Room Bladder Scanner (2)

Cost: $14,900 each

Use: These warmers provide patient comfort.

Blanket Warmers (2)